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Below is the full text from the Second Baptist Church Covenant of Community, concerning the Senior Pastor Search Committee.

a. Nominations – The Vision and Leadership Team will request nominations from the Congregation. The nomination period will last for at least two weeks.
b. Selection Committee- After the nomination period closes, the Vision and Leadership Team will contact the nominees, only to determine who would be willing to serve if selected. The Vision and Leadership Team will then form a Selection Committee of 14 persons, comprised of Vision and Leadership Team Members and Deacons who have not been nominated or who have removed themselves from consideration for the SPSC.
c. Size – The SPSC will be seven (7) members with only one person per family.
d. Election –The Selection Committee will interview willing nominees, discuss and determine the most appropriate criteria, and present a slate of seven (7) to the Diaconate for approval. The Vision and Leadership Team Chair will present the slate to the Congregation for a vote at a regular or specially called church conference as defined in Article IV, F & H. A simple majority of those in attendance is required to elect the slate. Nominations from the floor will not be accepted.
e. Responsibilities – The SPSC will solicit input from a cross section of the Congregation to determine preferences for the senior pastor. The SPSC will locate, investigate and interview suitable prospects. They will then recommend a
final candidate to the Vision and Leadership Team. Upon an affirmative vote of the Vision and Leadership Team, the search committee will extend an invitation to the final candidate to preach in view of a call.
f. Replacement – Should a SPSC member or members resign prior to the end of service, the Vision and Leadership Team and the Selection Committee will assist the SPSC to determine if a replacement is needed and select that replacement if necessary.