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Join the Second Baptist Family


At Second Baptist Church, every member is a minister. We value a team approach to ministry with pastors and lay ministers working collaboratively. Members covenant to share special gifts, time, and money in the work of the church.

Second Baptist Church is comprised of persons who confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of their lives and who have given witness to this relationship through Christian baptism. A person seeking membership will be received in one of the following ways:

A.  By confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
B.  By transfer of letter from another Baptist church;
C.  By statement that you are a Christian and have experienced Christian baptism in another tradition; or
D.  By request for affiliate membership (for those who wish to retain membership in their home church).

Joining the Second B family is extremely simple and easy, and we are here to assist and navigate you through the process!

 Any questions? Reach out to us at .


I Wish to Become a Member of Second B



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Second Baptist Church welcomes all persons into the community of Christ. Adult members believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and have received baptism in any form in any tradition.

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