Exciting Announcement – Rev. Carrie Veal Visiting Second Baptist Church in View of a Call
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St. Benedict's Chapel Day

April 3, 2025 4:30pm

Come Help Serve a Hot Meal at Saint Benedict's Chapel!

The first Thursday of every month, a group of dedicated Second B'ers head downtown to serve a homemade meal to our friends at St. Benedict's Chapel.  The time is one of fellowship and fun, with piano playing, singing, and plenty of conversation.

St. Benedict's is an ecumenical ministry that provides dinner each evening and a worship service each Sunday morning.  Once every several weeks, a Second B member leads worship and delivers the Sunday morning message.  Some who attend dinners or services at St. Benedict's are physically hungry, while others suffer from spiritual hunger.

Regardless of their reason for coming, all are welcome to St. Benedict's.  To learn more about this ministry, visit the St. Benedict's Chapel website.

Contact Lynnette Wilson (806-239-3756 / nettewilson1122@gmail.com) for more information.

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