Exciting Announcement – Rev. Carrie Veal Visiting Second Baptist Church in View of a Call
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2b kids

2b Kids Ministry offers a fun, safe, and secure environment for children from birth through 5th grade to explore ministry and personal growth. Our program emphasizes three core values: Scripture and Bible Study, Relationships, and Worship.


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2b Kids Ministry

2b Kids Ministry

At Second Baptist Lubbock, our 2b Kids Ministry offers a fun, safe, and secure environment for children from birth through 5th grade to explore ministry and personal growth. Our program emphasizes three core values: Scripture and Bible Study, Relationships, and Worship.

Scripture and Bible Study

We believe that the Bible stories children hear at church and home lay a spiritual foundation for their lives. Our Sunday morning Bible study classes at 9:30 am use a rotation curriculum model, dividing classes by grade (1st and 2nd grade; 3rd through 5th grade). Students engage with Bible stories over several weeks through various activities.


Building relationships with Christ, significant adults, youth, and peers is vital. We facilitate this through summer camps, church-wide fellowships, and missions education, helping children connect with Christ and others.


Children are welcome in worship at 2b. Pre-K and Kindergarteners start in the worship center and participate in a special children's time before moving to the children's wing for age-appropriate activities. Older children (1st–5th grade) are invited to lead worship as acolytes, scripture readers, and members of our children's choir.

2b Leaders Summer Camp

Our unique, faith-based summer camp combines service, leadership skills, and fun, focusing on a different value each week. Activities include Bible stories, swimming, service projects, games, crafts, and field trips. For more information, visit the camp's webpage or contact us at .

2b Leaders Summer Camp


During worship on Sunday mornings, all boys and girls are invited to come forward for this special worship opportunity. Following Children’s Time, children ages 4-5 years are invited to attend Preschool Praise in the Children’s Wing.